Saturday, May 2, 2009

oh me, oh my, I think I'm gonna die..

..oh meee, oh my, I think I'm gonna die!

If you're a fan of East Coast music you should now have an earworm for the day!

I got back from the Crafter's garage sale a few hours ago, and after several hours of laying motionless on the couch, a dinner of pad thai GRACIOUSLY picked up by my dh and a few more hours lying on the couch watching the kids play with balloons and watching Kung Fu Panda - I feel as if the bus that hit me was NOT jet-powered straight from hell like it seemed a few hours ago.

I wonder why I feel like lead after events like this. School events, Scrapbook days, craft sales - you'd think I'd be getting used to them. But it seems like they place a huge strain on me physically. I'm actually old enough to start wondering if this is a problem in the long run. I mean, sure I feel like death now, and I'll be sore tomorrow, but why? There was no incredible physical exertion - and I don't feel this way after a hard day in the garden - even the first one of the year. Yet I feel like lead. Lead that hurts. Hmmmmm.... I'll have to look it up.

I have to get more information because I can't start planning another big event till I know if they're ACTUALLY going to kill me, or just make me wish I were dead.

Enqiring minds!

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